First Officer Nick Silva, APA President
First Officer Nick Silva, APA President Today, in compliance with the APA Constitution and Bylaws, Article IV, Section 3.C, your Board of Directors elected First Officer Nick Silva to serve as APA President for the remainder of the current term ending June 30, 2025. The upcoming National Officer elections will take place in accordance with a schedule established by the Secretary-Treasurer as set forth in APA C&B Article IX, Section 2.A. We would like to thank all those who expressed their willingness to be considered for election – we are fortunate to have had many highly qualified members who were willing to step up to serve the membership. We look forward to working with President Silva on behalf of each of you, our membership. In Unity, CA Paul McFarland, BOS Chair CA Gemma Meehan, BOS Vice Chair CA Dan Scola, CLT Chair CA Erik DeWinne, CLT Vice Chair CA Chris Wachter, DCA Chair CA Tom Lawler, DCA Vice Chair CA Brian Smith, DFW Chair FO Jason Gustin, DFW Vice Chair CA Bill Evans, LAX Chair CA Tim Dick, LAX Vice Chair CA Lawrence Cutler, LGA Chair CA Jim Scanlan, LGA Vice Chair CA Thomas Copeland, MIA Chair CA Anne Witcher, MIA Vice Chair CA Wes Smith, ORD Chair FO Paul Meyers, ORD Vice Chair FO Mike Drost, PHL Chair CA Brian Sweep, PHL Vice Chair CA Mike Saracino, PHX Chair CA Jeremy Ryder, PHX Vice Chair